Pierre R. Dubois holds two advanced degrees from Columbia University and is a practicing architect, focused primarily on nonprofit affordable housing.
Pierre grew up on the Caribbean island of Haiti and was raised by a single, middle-class mother who instilled him with a great thirst for knowledge. He applied himself and excelled in the curriculum of the Platonic model of education common in Western countries, but he found this knowledge often conflicted with the spiritual and supernatural beliefs of the island’s indigenous culture in which he was exposed. Thus, early on, Pierre strived to explain in a scientific manner the magic that he witnessed around him.
This led him on a life-long journey that brought him to the United States, where he graduated with two advanced degrees from Columbia University. He is a practicing architect, focused primarily on nonprofit affordable housing with past positions within the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the New York City Housing Partnership Development Corporation, along with his private architectural practice.
Pierre is also a non-denominational ordained minister, having studied all world religions, belief systems, and spiritual movements. Throughout his studies and extensive travels, he has kept an open mind while observing the human spirit. In doing so, he has discovered that whether you are in Sydney, Bangalore, or Atlanta, all people ultimately want and desire the same things: to find love, to fulfill our purpose, to leave a positive footprint behind, and to merge back with the primordial source of all. We may express this differently, but the desires are the same.
Because of his non-judgmental observation of the human condition, Pierre has acquired a reputation as an insightful listener and counselor through his certified life coaching practice that he established in 2004. Pierre aspires to share with others the serenity, purposefulness and peace of mind he has acquired. Since one can only keep what one is willing to give away, he is willing to give his all so that others can accomplish their all.
Part 3